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Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Make Money on the Internet with the Youtube Partner program, Google paid users Youtube

Making money on the internet / online business into additional options to earn more money for office workers , teachers and for college kids . Many options are offered in the internet business , start with Forex Trading , MLM , create their own online store , selling other people's stuff ( Dropshiper ) or a follower of the PPC or PTC program . So many business opportunities that exist in the Internet world , we live and want to pursue an online business to concentrate on what we want to select . Well here's one way to earn money on the internet , is to be a partner of Youtube.
There are many who actually make youtube as the primary option for making money on the internet , such as easy to set the time , because we just uploaded a video assignment , can he do something else , or can we just play . and also we are not limited to working time ( because we choose when we want to do our duty ) if the mood so kick ass if ya lazy stay longer once could . But the results can not be separated from it in the form of the hard work of our colleagues .How ? Youtube keen to make this as a form of online business we choose ? if he follows the step-step to start this business comrade .1.You Must Have Youtube accountQuite easy to create Youtube account , as I said above , simply by making email at GMAIL.COM if not , can search on google how to register gmail account . Once we make the e-mail on gmail , please type in enter the password that we created earlier . Done . How easy is it? okay go to the next step below .

2 . Upload your Youtube VideosAfter having an account on Youtube we can directly run an online business we are studying this . Upload trick just click on it there . continue to find the folder where we store the video. and upload , while waiting for the upload is complete , it can be while eating or staying asleep also does nothing .Creativity and hard work is the answer my friend, as an example we can record videos when we play a guitar , or a unique community around us can also make a picture slideshow tourist attractions and places of worship from the camera that we had then upload the video or with friends we are trying to create an interesting and funny video , so that many will see our videos , . Essentially, the more interesting videos we make , and the more people who see the video we are , the more dollars that we will get from Youtube itself.

3 . Monetize Your Youtube VideosAfter completion of uploading video really new and creative and does not infringe the copyrights of others , have not completed these steps, this last step that must be done . namely to monetize videos that we uploaded comrades . Because no matter how much video we watched when we have not monetize the video earlier then we can not get paid from google , because here we follow a program which was named adsense for youtube .

Here's how to monetize the video has been uploaded .

  * Keep the videos we 've uploaded 2-3 
  * After click Upload Settings Tab Menu On Youtube on top right corner .
  * Continues to look to the left sidebar and then click on " Monetization " and click on " Enable My Account"
  * Alternatively enter the dashboard and click the " Channel Settings " then same as above , click on " Monetization " click " Enable My Account "
  * After that, just follow the steps given until there is written On Monetization , if not then it could be caused video that we uploaded violates the rules of Youtube .
  * If this step until smooth , chances are we would be approved to become a partner of YouTube , after which point the mouse down , and look for the words " How will I be Paid ? " or the words " how do I get paid " if using Youtube Indonesian . Once we click , then will appear the words "You must associate an AdSense account to your YouTube account in order to be Paid "

* Click on the link " Associate an AdSense account " and it will appear a message that essentially we will be taken to a page adsense account . Then follow the steps given until we are directed back to our Youtube account .

* Then click on upload video then click " Action " then click monetize and wait until the image on the right dollar video turned into green , blue if it is still waiting for review and if white is not yet activated monetize his comrades .Well so the steps that we have completed comrades , after all we finished a task to maximize the revenue from Youtube , how? ie by extending the videos we upload , the more videos the more chances to be watched by the people and the more dollars are going to get.
Remember all is a process , do not give up because the few who see the video or other trouble , make a video with the title of a very interesting , and looks well ... and the dollars that would normally be seen flowing when the video has reached over 200 videos , :) survivors struggled and survived to play with your creativity , remember the focus is best effort , and the process will make us more understanding about the world of Youtube